Thursday, May 8, 2014

Prophecy Link

A Voice Declaring: “The Sixth Man,” for the great day of his wrath hath come, and who shall be able to stand? 05/07/2014

A Voice Declaring: “There’s only six hundred left, for God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Behold I Will Laugh When Your Fear Cometh, GOH

The Sixth Man!                                                                              05/08/2014

I Corinthians 15: 51-58                                             II Thess. 2nd Chapter

Only He Who Now Let will let, till he be taken out of the way, then shall that wicked be revealed. II Thess. 2nd

Behold The Sixth Man!

     -I received as a word of knowledge last night the phrase, “The Sixth Man,” as so this morning it was revealed to me what this meant, mankind, unbelieving mankind is the sixth man, (unredeemed), believing mankind the seventh, (finished, accomplished, redeemed).   Though does this word as well remind us of the six slayers of Ezekiel’s prophecy, called forward by the God of Heaven’s wrath, they were to begin at God’s sanctuary, (apostate Christianity), they, these slayers were to have no mercy, but slay literally, old and young and again, they were to begin at His (GOD), Sanctuary, (Ezek. 9th chapter, Rev. 17, 18th chapters).

     -Those who’ve read behind me these last nearly thirty years know where and how it is this end time prophetic ministry of mine has been compared to the days of Ezekiel.  This is how I know, I know that like a time never before on this planet God like HE did with Noah and his family, like HE did with the blood of the Lamb (type of Christ’s blood redemption) swiped on the door post of the soon to escape Hebrew’s in Egypt.  Evenly as HE did with Father Abraham, that as he prepared these various forms of judgments of HIS wrath did HE with Amazing Grace prepare so the righteous would no longer suffer with the unrighteous, I Thess. 5:9-11

     For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Who died for us, that, whether we awake or sleep, we should live (rise), together with Him, wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as also you do. I Thess. 5:9-11

     -You have to realized, the great gathering of saints is what the Supreme Holy Lords have been showing this Apostle since day one, and that isn’t an aphorism.  I literally in the spring of 1986 had Jesus Christ to ascend into heaven and three times commissioned me to come.  I didn’t know it then, would be a bit of a nuisance trying to explain it, yet this blessed Lord of Lord appeared to me, with huge, giant white wings to each of His side.  I mean I could only tell people what I’d seen and what I’d heard, His (Jesus) arms were stretched toward me, He had huge white wings to each side and between three intervals, He told me to come.

-"And a door was open in heaven, and a voice like a trumpet saying, COME UP HERE!" (the Rapture, John, Rev. 4:1

     -I was young in my faith, possibly only minutes, I say this because only minutes earlier I’d went into my closet, kneeled and prayed heartily according to Romans 12:1, 2, it wasn’t so much that my life wasn’t the same, I wasn’t the same.  The last thing I heard this blessed Lord say was, “I’m coming soon, go and tell my people,” little did I realize it until recently, but the Intrepid Dream time table, line of 2016 will mark this sudden appearing of Christ, 30th Anniversary.  Of course, three months later Holy Spirits would visit me, convince me, through some resistance from me, that I was an Apostle, that they couldn’t use me in the ministry of Jesus Christ unless I accepted this calling on my life.

     -Just as well, seven years later, and at the time I didn’t know what these two events had in common, seven years later like an Apostle Paul, (see paradise of God, II Cor. 12:1-5), like John the beloved, (book of Revelation), I would find myself in the Throne of God, even the Third Heavens, soon hand off to the Prophet Ezekiel.  There we actually do know one another as we are, He the prophet of the Ancient would in turn open to me three time tested doors,  now get this, the Christ Lord commissioned me three times to come, and now one of the twenty four Elders John saw, was now opening to me three specific doors, I would in all essence witness how it is God Himself, this Wordless Illumination whose brightness is greater than the sun, and me this witnessed of how it is He prepares the Anointed Unto the Harvest of souls.

     -A little after the Holy Spirit had me to understand what this sixth man word of knowledge meant, only moments later did I as well, well I heard an additional voice which said, “there’s only six hundred left,” again, I didn’t know it at the time, but remarkably I was reminded of the original Jezebel, when she had the prophets of God haunted down and killed.”  “This was the purpose for which the prophet Elijah was fleeing for his life, justly I wasn’t hearing this prophet, I was hearing the conversation of Elohim, explaining although Elijah thought all had been killed except him, was there a hundred or more prophets hidden away just as safely, see I Kings 18, 19th chapters.

-One of these words like I explained earlier, is to demonstrate God’s proposed for the hour of judgment toward SIN, and the other, His Mercy and Sovereign Grace, even divine Liberation toward the Righteous.  Though right here, citing there’s only six hundred left, as well represent the thousands of years of persecution passed up unto reports this very hour of how Christians are being crucified by radical Jihadist.  That this is only one report, I read just recently, that out of all the religions on this planet, that Christians are the most mocked, persecuted and executed.  Now if these manners of horrors haven’t come to a place near you, I say praise God and with me, call on His mercy toward thine brethren suffering most horribly, hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace and get US all complete victory.

    - The “coming persecution of Christians is here, it is already here.  So why is the mainstream media in the US so totally silent about this phenomenon?  When some politician somewhere around the globe inadvertently offends homosexuals or Muslims, it instantly makes headline news. 

-Very few Americans are even aware that it has been estimated that 100 million Christians are currently facing persecution, that approximately 100,000 Christians die for their faith each year.  As you are about to see, Christians all over the world are being burned alive, beheaded, crucified, tortured to death and imprisoned in metal shipping containers just because of what they believe.  This persecution goes on year after year and it is steadily intensifying.  But the governments of the western world and the mainstream media are almost entirely ignoring what is happening. Christian

-Please don’t think saints are no longer suffering for our, Jesus cause, that alone would be a heinous, heinous delusion against you, as so Christ’s Truth Gospel, instead pray always for US, and call on Christ’s return consistently. You‘re to again, understand this is why the Saints (blood washed, bought), that have been suffering unthinkable manners of martyrdom will be taken out prior to the Greatest of all Tribulations (temptation), which could be only days away. 

-This is ELOHIM (Eli), showing Us His most gracious manner of Blessed Assurance that this Apostle witnessed arrive in the form of a gigantic, diamond crystal dove, that shaped and form itself right out of a blazing sunlight, so boundless it blocked out the entire heavens. That the Church Bride has suffered unto horrors most heart breaking with the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ on their piping screams, how can a Lord as merciful as He, as promised, not come?

     - Just as I described before, I saw all that is extraordinary behind those three doors, but the most inconceivable, was the heart transplant, (ye must be born again, St. Jn. 3:1-8).  Heart stunningly I witnessed behind one of these time tested doors, this SUNLIGHT become as a hand, for to reach into the very chest of the multitude coming before HIS Throne, I looked and behold their old hearts of flesh and potential abomination bore HIS hand, while He prepared to give unto them a new heart, a heart of flesh and compassion.  

-You’re to remember, the Christ Lord explaining to the disciples, how no one would know they were His Disciples except they showed loved one for another, so was the lesson of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. That upon these two commandments He laid all the laws and prophets, that we love God with all our heart, mind and soul, that we love our neighbor as ourselves, (loved Ones), and this door was closed, for its light was blinding, that there was a joy and gladness that followed beyond anything imagined on this planet. 
-Although I truly believe I’ve been seeing the throne of God since I was a child, that this is why I was teased so often about my blood red eyes, as so was made to have weekly visits to the eye doctor, yes, weekly. The other two doors, timed just right because this Light was blinding, at their fulfillment there would be like this ecstasy and delight indescribable. Truly your eyes hath not seen, nor have your ears heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things God has prepared for those who love (serve) HIM.  Ideally quoting Isaiah 64:4, was the Apostle Paul, one who’d himself visited the paradise of God, and thus He no doubt was with an attempt to explain the unexplainable.

     -I here say you’ve not so learn Jesus Christ, the living word (doctrine, prophecies nor promises), if you say there will not be like this mass escape of the born again of God before the final pouring out of HIS wrath on a “World,” forgetting HIM days without number.  There can only be two reasons for this error, one, for some reason you think such an escape is a form of cowardice on the Church Bride’s part, that we’re to escape Final, Great Tribulation that is personally against insurmountable evil, spreading itself so mightily. Anything else would be as though we, the church-bride don’t have a history painted in much blood of those by the millions slaughtered for the "COST," of Christ alone, Rev. 17:6, 

-Thus is the other word, of knowledge I shared above, a voice declaring: the sixth man, meaning 666, the Wine Press of God, Repent or Perish!" Has begun.

-And I saw the woman (Mystery Babylon, World Church/Religion), drunken with the blood of the Saints, (Church Bride), and with the blood of the Martyred (Tribulation Saints), of Jesus, and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration.  Rev. 17:6
-So you see, we the church bride (blood redeemed), as long as we’re here, we not only stand in the way of the anti-Christ final reveal, but are as well in the way of God being able to pour out of HIMSELF a wrath this earth of Satanic, to Demonic to Religious formation has never seen before or shall ever see again. So there wasn’t a pre-trib rapture, what we all know is that according to biblical prophecy fulfilling the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb ,” has to be realized, before the Second Return of Jesus Christ, as this now Glorified Bride will be with Him when He returns. 

     -Mind-bogglingly, this is what the scripture mean when it declares we haven’t been appointed to God’s wrath, but to like our Lord Jesus “ESCAPE!,” it’s why Jesus then admonish us to pray that we’re found worthy to “ESCAPE!” all the troubles coming upon the earth. How are we found or made worthy? We’ve completely lost our heart to Jesus Christ and we serve Him all the days of this life, accordingly, there will be no acceptation.  This is why Apostle Paul cries aloud, "I beseech (beg), thee therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your body a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable unto God (by Christ's Cross), which is thy reasonable (purposeful), service), 

-And be not conformed to this world (carnality, temporal worldliness), but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, (Christ Cross),  Rom. 12:1,2.   

-This is the mystery the Apostle Paul is trying to unveil without completely giving God’s plan away, well not so much Paul, but the Holy Spirit, for the people of Paul’s day, like you, the people of today were beginning to lose faith in this “Blessed Hope.” So the Holy Spirit explained the miraculous this way, “only he (the Marriage Supper), who now let (allow this mystery), will let (allow this mystery), until he (the Marriage supper), be taken (Raptured ), out of the way. That then shall that (mystery of iniquity), be revealed, (the Anti-Christ full reveal), whom the Lord Christ shall consume with the Spirit (breath), of His Mouth (biblical prophecies’ fulfilling), See II Thess. 2, Man Of Sin),

   -This mean, these things were predestined since before you, we were created in our mother’s womb, and not one tittle will fall to the ground, not one tittle. Now if you’re left yet in this wrestled with biblical reality, just you considered what this end time wrath of God is designed to do, you understand this, then you understand why the Saints are found worthy, like their Lord Christ, and because of Him, to as well like Him "ESCAPE!" “for the Great Day Of His (God’s Wrath), hath come, and who shall be able to stand?”  The Emphasis here on GREAT DAY, And HIS (GOD"S), WRATH!

    -You have to remember and never, ever forget, this is the promise Jesus is making to the disciples, His especial description of Mansions being in His Father’s house, how He’s to go and prepare Them a place, that where He is They shall be also.’  As so God’s promise that like as Christ was risen from the dead, We also shall walk, exist in a Newness of Life, (gloried bodied). Thus is why this mortal shall put on immortality and this corruption, incorruption and We shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkle of an eyes, at the last trump, for the trump shall sound and there shall we ever be with Lord. 

-Seen to be seeing the Angel Gabriel being hand a trumpet, the fulfillment of the Church Bride mightily on the map 2011  

-This is why one of the last time, I saw Him, we, the church-bride were walking on the earth with Him, in the midst of visiting the people.  Though my plenteous visions and dreams are littered with various forms of this single biblical event,  I find this one the most startling, because for a lack of a better description, it's all over, even the endless debate of it all, The Great Gathering of saints, the second resurrection unto the tribulation saints, and the two olive branches, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the second return with the saints, the battle of Armageddon, the restoration of Israel (Satan in prison), and this all arrive us here, The One Thousand Year Reign. of Jesus Christ.    

-“And one shall say, what are these wounds in thine hand?” “And He (Elohim), shall answer, those of which I was wounded in the house of the friends”… beware!

      -You see the angel Gabriel appearing to me in this day and time, (May 15 2004), time being the issue here, of which 2,500 years has passed since this same Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:20-27, 10th chapter), explaining how, such the like events playing out right now in all likeness of prophetic fulfilling wouldn’t be for many days, a time, time and a half worth, (2,500) years, where knowledge, meaning where abominations would increase. That's great evils unto the final abomination (the anti-Christ reign), that maketh Israel and the whole of especially believing mankind (the Tribulation Saints), desolate, whom the Lord Christ would consume with the Brightness (Glory), of His Coming.
    -“And swore by him who live forever, that it would be for a time, times and a half, and when he (he is the one, Senator Obama, 2008) should have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.” Dan. 12:7b 

     All I can tell you, is remember when Mary Magdalene discovering Jesus risen from death, (“destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild”), JCON. Remember how she responded once Jesus revealed Himself to her, (“woman, why weepest thou?”), She came to him, for to greet Him and Jesus warn her to touch Him not, because He’d not ascended unto His Father.  Well an alike time now has come for the entire Church Bride, not church world, (Rev. 17:1-3), but those who are both Awake (present laborers), in Christ and Sleeping (martyred for), in Him, it’s time for them to now ascend to the Father to as well be gloried (Rev.  4:1, 19th chapter).  

     -With John witnessing sometime later the resurrection of the Tribulation Saints, a number of every nation, tongue, tribe and people as recorded in Rev. 7:9-17.  That he witnessed them standing before the throne and the Lamb, clothed in white robes and palms in their hands, crying with a loud voice, saying “Salvation to our God which sit upon the Throne and to the Lamb.”  This remind me, I was in this dream I don’t know like a year after I saw this winged Christ in the heavens, by the way the wings I would learn much later.  This description goes back to the prophet Malachi, that the Sun (SON, Light), of God, would arrive with “healing in his wings,” you guys get it, healing as the Bride has suffered by measures innumerable. 

-Just as so, I didn’t put or associate one (Christ’s appearing), with the other, (being carried off), this was simply my innocence in such spiritual things. Anyway, I was leaving, and the one carrying me off to heaven was remarkably, God Himself, I always wondered why, how was it God Himself.  That only as recent as a few months ago was I made to realize why this was God, it was through one of my book characters, Sioux Noel who reminded Maaseiah, (Church Bride), that when she saw God, she was actually seeing Jesus in His true form, as Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.  

     It’s why as well the Angels would now see Him, (seen of angels, great is the Mystery of Godliness II Tim. 3:16), I’d gone nearly thirty years before realizing this remarkable Revelation of Truth. I remember how sad and down trodden I was in my spirit, something I guess in a way Jesus felt about leaving the disciples, His mom and Friends, again I was really dishearten about leaving, despite how horribly my life on the earth had been. 

-Soon this Supreme One began showing me a church, the only way to describe how glorious this gathering of Tribulation Saints were, I would have to use Jesus Himself as an example. Faithfully, this is how anointed, glorious, exceptional it, they all were, so much so, after the Supreme showed me this as a way to encourage me, (the Ascending Bride), I said, and I quote, ‘be careful Lord, lest they take your heart, remember Jesus took His heart,  “Father glorify thy Son (be glorified by thy Son, Jesus), I will Glorify Him and have Glorified Him, (ELOHIM).”

     -“He cried also in my ears with a loud voice, saying, cause them who have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand. And behold six men (05/08/2014), came from the way of the higher gate, which lies toward the north and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand and one man standing among them was cloth in linen, with a writers inkhorn by his side, and they went and stood beside the Brazen Alter,” see Eze. 9th chapter
-When God doing Ezekiel’s day made ready to demonstrate how HE would deal with the abominations of supposedly the Holiness of This Lord Father, HE called forth six men (666), of the higher gate, each one bearing a weapon to bring about insurmountable destruction.  God would eventually explain to this compassionate prophet how the iniquity of both the house of Israel and Judah were exceeding great, that their blood guiltiness even greater, so heretofore, judgment was no longer pending but was forthright.  

-As is at present,  judgment for what Holy Spirits described doing the Death Rider vision, 1996, of Americans abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, for they’d forsaken God, has as well come, this was my only, single relationship with this Prophet beside His God being my God, His works, mine own, unto the transgressions of these supposedly Godly nations, reaching unto God, causing HIM to wrath. Just as well, in the midst of these six slayers, was also found an inkhorn man, ( the mercy seat), his purpose was to go before these slayers and mark for life, all those exhibiting instead a Godlike manner of grievance regarding all the evil being down under the sun.  

-This was also something I witnessed behind those doors in heaven, I beheld when this Sunlight became as a hand for to touch the very temple of this multitude, then just as soon a mouth, as HE was to talk great and swelling words to them.  Behold, I can’t tell you all that this Great One said, but what I did hear HIM say was how They were to be acquainted with HIS grieves and sorrows. Remember Jesus admonishing US to love (spirit of forgiveness), and intercede for both enemy and friend? These slayers where to perform themselves without mercy, beginning at God’s sanctuary, they were to slay both old  and young, 

-Hence would it be displayed once and for all, that though HE’S A GOD of love is HE as well a GOD of judgment. Straightly, like Paul said, HE’S not mocked, whatsoever a man (NATION), sow, that shall he also reap, Gal. 6:7. America, the free world, although this would be the beginning at God’s present-day sanctuary, unto the evil world, as there is a blood guiltiness in sight, even divine Light that is beyond description. Just as so of transgressions and abominations unparalleled from any time gone before mankind, thus is the beginning of a Great Judgment of God just as incomparable.

     -Without a doubt, understand this Apostle, just as in Ezekiel’s day, these are judgments no longer pending, they’re here, right here, right now, an end has come upon the four corners of this land, an end has come upon America, and all allying her according to evils quite matchless I assure you.  This is what the Intrepid Dream Christmas of 2001 was about, a time of judgment (the 911 attacks), stalled for now but only until an additional 190 months of then pending Obama Administration would be realized and just as soon fulfilled, a voice crying aloud upon his being elected, “two weeks and seven years,” behold an end hath come.

     -I want to end this article on this literal unbelievable note still, since that day I went into my closet, a windowless bathroom and God used this blessed commitment to reveal HIMSELF to me, HIS Throne in ways quite remarkable.  Well, I’ve had all manners of visitations by the Heavenly Host, (“thou hands, if they cleaned so, but if you play them at panic, what profit ye?”). Right before I lost my husband Mack, I had this dream, though I wasn’t impressed, in the dream I was surrounded all around by angels, on every hand they were there.  This will then explain what possibly happen days later, just prior to us learning how sick Mack truly was, I lost him Feb 2012, 

     -We were doing yard work, discussing spiritual things, when he looked point blank at me and said, “some of the things you say, could really get you killed.” I’m to tell you, just as he murmured those words I felt like, now I didn’t like create this reality, wouldn’t even imagine it, I’m just explaining what indeed happen.  Just as instantly as to debunk what he said, I felt like an army of angels completely engulf me, as to completely envelope me all around and through. It was so unexpected and so daring, I didn’t think I would ever tell anyone about it. Though, and with fear and trembling I share this, 

-I had a dream months passed whereas the Heavenly Host made it known they wanted to be where I was and I was like, ok,, things just got really, really weird. Now I'll confessed how years ago, and I have lived my life accordingly, how I wanted to be in the presence of music so spirit filled, God would want to visit Me.  That’s be with Me, in my house, my car, by His Omni-presence, but this, I won’t lie, it rattled me, that's until presently. That was when I was reminded how Holy Spirits (the Heavenly Throne), are just as anxious about the Millennium Reign of Jesus Christ as we the Church Bride are about the Rapture and the Glorious return of Christ with (US), tens of thousands of His Saints. Ok,, I can stop trying to swallow my heart back down, that was just a misunderstanding. 

 -When the Archangel Gabriel, well I was made to understand recently that Michael is the only one to bear this title, ‘Archangel,’ so I don’t use it lightly, what I remember Him saying, and yes, I felt guilty that God yet had to go to such great lengths, though is this an entire Heavenly Host that will not have us ignorant concerning especially end time events.  I believe when Jesus looked at the disciples inquiring about end time events that when he first told them don't be deceived, that he was warning them this will all be brought to an end, all, so what Gabriel said and I repeat, was, the fulfillment of all things (biblical things, prophecy) was upon mankind.”

-As so something about she’s coming or going with seventh angel, meaning all biblical prophecy is unto fulfilling, and it is this clock that was reset December 25th 2001 toward a time line of 15.10 years later that would not have any delays or recesses. Seeming, that in which had been set since the innocence and fall of man (Adam and Eve), was now unto complete fulfillment, justly so, there would be times of delay no longer.  You're to realize, there has been a delay of 2000 years between the Sixtieth week of Daniel's Seventy Weeks of years regarding end time prophecy and the 70th week, that's weeks of years unto the final seven years of the dispensation of Grace, 

-Remember the election of Obama, a voice crying aloud, "two weeks and Seven Years?"    

-Jesus reminding those inquiring disciples not to be deceived, that's carried away of lying devils, is why I have one goal when I sit for hours and admonish the Holy Spirit to help me get these manners of revelations regarding end time fulfillment to you, as you are my love, my workmanship in the phenomena things of God’s creation of redeeming Christ.  As I’m made to  know, I want you to know, as I’m made to see, hear and understand, I want the same for all of mankind, that if I'm to as my Father have my way, I will not have you ignorant, indeed for these final end times, hear what the Spirit saith unto the church world, (unredeemed).

     -That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. for they say the Lord (GOD) seeth us not, the Lord (God), is ascended from the earth, Eze. 8:12, As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry RAM,

 Prophecy Links

     -There’s something about President Clinton, about us being all in the family, even joyous, suspicious forms of May Days, (playground setting), the fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 04/30/2014
     -Seen to be seeing in huge, bold, white letters, the word, forewarning: “Awake!” A final commission for all mankind to awake out of their Satanic, to Demonic, to Religious slumber. 04/12/13/2014
    -There’s something about a darkness that is no longer pending, but has become mankind’s most trusted bedfellow, a night that will never end for most hath come. 04/12/2014

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening to Selah: You Raise Me Up

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

Behold: The Spirit and the Bride say COME!

A Ministry Above


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